As you can tell from the photos, we got a lot of snow here this week. I don't usually mind snow all that much, but the subsequent drop in temperature is not at all to my liking. I heard the temperature is supposed to plummet to 10 below zero tonight. BELOW ZERO! That's insane.
The only good thing about cold temperatures is it makes me want to knit more. (Of course, breathing makes me want to knit more!)

Hey Rachel
Thanks for the snow pics. We miss it down here (although not the shoveling and the messy roads...)
Stay warm!
Very pretty snow pictures. Your children look so adorable all dressed up, too. I love the opera pix.
Ooooo! Pretty! We didn't get any snow out of the last batch of storms, only ice.
All I have to say is knit yourself some nice warm socks...It's chilly down here, but it's nothing at all like there. It's down to 40 degrees and people are complaining. I don't mind cold as long as I'm not standing in it. Well, stay warm, Rach...I don't really having anything to add to my blog. My camera is dead. :( Mom is sending my cord. Have a great night. Love, Angie
Rachel--I agree with your post--I'm fffffrreeeezzziinngg here in Illinois! I hate it when it get's this cold. I don't know about you, but I want to crawl under the covers and hibernate. (with 3 little kids, hahaha!-not-.)
I love the snow pictures! I really miss seeing it, and wish that it had snowed when we were up there for Christmas. It is cold here today and it is only 65 degrees! Yesterday was very warm and I actually considered taking the kids swimming-crazy. I don't know if I will ever think this is normal! :) I can say that I don't miss driving in the snow or having to shovel it away. Have fun knitting!!!!
We got a bunch of snow on Monday too,... and today with the wind, the weatherman says it's suppose to feel like 15 to 30 BELOW zero! Crazy, I know! Anyway, I feel your pain. :) Happy knitting!
We got a bunch of snow on Monday too,... and today with the wind, the weatherman says it's suppose to feel like 15 to 30 BELOW zero! Crazy, I know! Anyway, I feel your pain. :) Happy knitting!
Sorry about the double posting! Hhmmmm,... guess I was a little impatient! :)
Those pics are awesome. Love them... we're having an "ice storm" right now. Nothing dramatic, but enough to get the weathermen all freaking out. :) I so love the local news...*note sarcasm.*
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