Thursday, July 12, 2007

So Close!

I am almost done knitting the 4th of July socks, but I ran out of yarn for the second sock. I was so close! I got to the toes, and had enough for all the toes, except the last teeny-tiny red tip for the big toe. ACK!

Thankfully, my LYS had more in stock, so I was able to get another skein, and this one at 50% off! Since I only have to knit 1/2 an inch (stinks, doesn't it?), I'll have enough yarn left over to knit another pair of socks. I'll just knit the cuffs a little shorter to make sure I don't repeat the same problem!

I just love, Love, LOVE this pattern! (Okay, so I'm biased, as it's my own pattern.) If you want to try it out, you can find it on my design blog here. (Check it out anyway, as I just changed the header. Thanks for the tips on how to do that, Renee and Danielle!)

Oh, just another note. I realize that wearing socks and flip flops may perhaps seem strange (I put in a split toe so you can wear them with flip-flops). That is definitely true if you're planning to wear them with capris or shorts. Very strange indeed. However, these are actually rather cool-looking with jeans. If you're going to go to all the trouble to knit socks, why not show them off in all their glory? Don't hide your socks under tennis shoes! Flaunt them with slippers!


Shelley L. MacKenzie said...

Your socks look great - almost like a cross between a chevron and feather and fan pattern.

So glad you were able to get more of the yarn to finish the toes! And at 50% off, you gotta love it!

Ellen said...

I L-O-V-E these socks, Rach!!!!!! They are sooooo cool.

Diane said...

Oh man that does stink to run out of yarn so close to being done.

Danielle said...

I just couldn't agree more with you about wearing socks with sandles or flip flops :-) And you're very welcome for any help I gave! Kudos on the design blog, you're really getting alot of patterns there!

Woman who knits said...

The socks look great! It's great that you were able to get the yarn at the LYS AND 50% off. That had to make it even better!!!

vanessa said...

very cute sock!
thanks for my bee compliment!!!