Monday, July 23, 2007

Weight Loss Challenge

I've been talking to Mum, who has started a wonderful Weight Loss Challenge (you can join here, if you want; just let her know) and she and I figured that I should put my weight loss goals down on paper (well, e-paper, I guess!) so that it's out there to encourage other people, and also to help other people know how to encourage me. So, feeling rather sheepish, here are my goals:
1. To eat only when my stomach is rock-bottom empty
2. To eat only when I'm sitting down (no snatching bites while I'm cooking dinner)
3. To pay attention to every bite, instead of multi-tasking
4. To stop eating as soon as I'm satisfied, instead of waiting for that overfull feeling
5. To not eat another bite after I've determined that I'm done (no snatching bites while I'm cleaning up dinner)
(I got these helpful tips from Gwen Shamblin's book, "The Weigh Down Workshop")

I have a lot of weight to lose, and I want to focus on smaller goals, rather than what seems an insurmountable goal. So, this week, my goal is not to eat unless I'm sitting down. I know for you skinny people out there, that might seem a rather silly goal, but it's hard for me. I tend to "eat on the run", you know? Please keep me in your prayers!

"The fact is, you must either believe God always, or you must never believe Him. If you think that Christ is 'not able to do this' - forgive this sin, remove this trial, overcome this temptation, or strengthen you for this duty - you will probably think the same when the next testing time comes. . . If there be any one sin too strong for Him to enable me to abandon it, than He is not omnipotent." ~ C.H. Spurgeon


Danielle said...

Oh Rachel, I too share this burden. I sincerely wish you strength to reach your goals. I pray God will give you the perseverence you need, I know I certainly do the things you've mentioned in your list almost every day. I am rooting for you :)

Ellen said...

Rachel, I so relate to your struggle. I'm working on it myself. I loved the quote you shared at the end of your post - SO TRUE. I will be praying for you. You're more brave than I can be - I haven't put these struggles out there for anyone to see....
Thanks for sharing your struggle... maybe it will empower me to share more of mine.

Diane said...

Good for you, Rachel! We moms get so wrapped up in taking care of everyone else that we don't take the time to care for ourselves.

Anonymous said...

YOU CAN DO IT!! I'm so proud of you for doing this! I wish I lived near you to help you out with this - I'm such a good cheerleader...go Rachel GO!! :) Keep us posted on this! You GO Girl! Love you, Lynn

WELCOME TO TuttleTime! said...

Wow, you are so brave to put your commitment out for all of us to see....I am sooooo incredibly proud of you! I know you can do this, because we Kahues are so incredibly stubborn that eventually we get it done! You are beautiful, Rach! :) Love you so much, Angie