Friday, February 19, 2010

Olympic Update

Well, I've gotten a "fair" amount done on my "fair isle" sweater that has been my chosen project for the Knitting Olympics!
(Please feel free to groan at my shockingly bad pun.)

I'm not sure how I feel about this sweater so far. The yarn knits up beautifully, but I'm not a huge fan of the rust brown/maroon red color. It was something that has been languishing in my stash and I felt obligated to grant it parole.

I do love the Nordic star pattern across the bust. It's rather open and lacy looking.
I decided not to do the turtleneck as called for in the pattern and made a square neck instead. Unfortunately once I finished the square neckline I decided it didn't best suit the pattern, so I'm debating whether I should frog the top front and do a V-neck opening or a regular rounded neckline. Thoughts anyone?

The other thing that I don't care for is the bottom ribbing. For some reason, I am incapable of remembering that if I don't go down a needle size or two on the ribbing, I end up with a rippled tire around a section that does not need any attention drawn to it. Does anyone out there in blogland know if it's possible to rip out the bottom of a sweater to re-do the ribbing?
(*crickets chirping*)


yoel said...

In *theory* you can snip a stitch, and rip back from that stitch, ie you can rip out just the ribbing. Then you will need to pick up all the hanging loops from the row above, and knit down like picking up loops from provisional cast-on. This is *theory only* and I've never seen it actually attempted in real life.

I say just block out the poofiness and call it a day.

Sereknitty said...

I've seen someone cut through the row, at the bottom of the stocking stitch, and unravel until there are stitches visible and then pick them up. It was quite common to do this in war times, when kids were growing and cuffs and body needed to be lengthened.

I think the colour is great and why not a square neckline?? Go for it!