Sunday, January 22, 2012

Classical Conversations

I home school, and along with that my kids and I do Classical Conversations.  They hate it when they're described this way, but the easiest way to describe it is that they're a bit of a home school co-op.  They're nationwide and growing by 200% every year.

Anyway, along with history, art, and other subjects, we've been learning about the human body.  For the end of semester project the kids got to assemble a full body tracing (their own body, actually) and add the organs and other assorted parts in (relatively speaking) anatomically correct places.

It was quite something to hear a child calling across the room, "Teacher, I'm missing my spleen.  Can I have an extra spleen?"

Apparently along with having all her organs in the correct places, my daughter aspires to being Joker's sidekick.

(I have NO idea why she colored her hair green.  Or her lips that freaky shade of red.  I have ceased to try to understand her.)


Rachel said...

That's awesome! I've heard a lot about Classical Conversations lately. Sounds fascinating!

TuttleTime said...

I am going to see if there is a group here in our area.