Friday, November 30, 2012

A Winter Walk

The neighborhood where I live isn't really conducive to walking, so I'm happy whenever I get the chance to take the kids somewhere for a little outdoor excursion.

We buy our milk from an organic farm in the area, and so the other day the weather was fine and we decided to take a little walk down a nearby country lane.

We found lots of treasures.

I have a Mai Tai Sling that I made when Gabe was a baby, and it's an easy way to transport Ella.  She can stay nice and warm and I don't have to fuss with a stroller.

The sky was so blue!  Winter in the Frigid North is usually characterized by coma-inducing grayness which saps the soul and leads to deeply imbedded depression which is only alleviated by large doses of chocolate.

 Gabe was sad that I made him walk the whole way home.  His "legs were all done walking".

(He said this right before sprinting toward his sister so he could see what she was holding).

Miss Boo collected a few corn husks that she planned to make into corn husk dolls.

It's days like these that make me so thankful to be a mom!

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