I believe this is called an Elephant Ear. My poor Uncle Paul is most likely going to cringe all through this post, as I'm sure I'm going to botch most of the names.
Anyway, these buggers are absolutely huge! The leaves you see in the picture are about 4 feet long! Aunt Sue told me they are sometimes called "Poor Man's Umbrella", and you can see why. Parts of the mountain are covered in a carpet of these things.
Handyman took this picture while he was hiking up Mt. Scenery.
This is called an Anole. There is an anole that is unique to Saba, but I'm not sure if this is it.
The ubiquitous hibiscus. (Isn't that a great word? Ubiquitous!)
Poor Aunt Sue. I was determined to see roses everywhere, but she had to keep correcting me and dashing all my hopes of being able to identify at least one type of plant.
Saba also has a healthy population of hermit crabs, along with one not-so-healthy hermit crab that got accidentally stepped on.
He was very grouchy about the whole thing, but seriously, wouldn't you be too?
This shell I found way up on the cliffs, which we think was discarded by a hermit crab. Can you imagine how big that thing must be?
Angel Trumpets. I had one last year, but I left it out one night in the fall, and it froze. Tropical plants don't like ice, which explains a lot about my own temperament in the winter.
There are (or I should say were) lots of Mahogany trees on the island, but the last hurricane really devastated the population.
Roosters and wild chickens have the run of the island. Want some chicken? Set a live trap.

Every morning, at the brisk hour of 4:00 A.M., an entire battalion of roosters decided to bugle right below my window. I think I would have shot them if my eyes weren't so bleary.
This is Louis Armstrong.

This is my jackpot of plants that I managed to glean while I was there. Uncle Paul says that Aunt Sue must really like me, because she let me take some of her orchids.
I've since gotten them all potted up nicely, and so far at least, they seem to be resigned to their fate of exile in the Frigid North.
Iguanas are native to the island, and we were fortunate enough to get some great photos of them. This particular gent was on full display for us. It's quite a sight to see them climbing in the trees like a weird genetically-gone-wrong squirrel.
This is an orchid that we found at Ms. Wilda's house. I was able to restrain myself, and did NOT steal it.
Finally, the most dangerous wildlife on the island:
The lizards are huge! The flowers are gorgeous. The picture that made me smile, though, was Handyman snuggling his blankie.
you are hilarious and as always, I love reading your posts. Looks like you encountered a ton of beautiful plants/flowers (and were able to bring some home with you!) you are definitely a "Fleuren" at heart LOL :) I especially love the last picture of the "killer cheeks" from Gabey :) he's getting SO big! miss you guys! xoxo
Gorgeous photos! Especially loved the rooster :) so colourful!
I would have loved to see all that! It's so pretty there. We got a few laughs out of this post. ;-)
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