Saturday, July 8, 2023

Oil Pastel Plumeria

I've been watching some interesting TikTok videos lately about using oil pastels, so I wanted to give it a try. I have trouble with landscapes, because I get too caught up in the details and I struggle with broader strokes. My hope is that using oil pastels will force me to be more "general"  in my sketching.

This was my first attempt at something, and it was really more just to get a feel for the medium.

Oil pastels are interesting. When you draw them on the paper, it looks a lot like crayons. However, they are much softer, so you can use your finger or some paper towel to smudge the colors. This makes a really cool blending effect that I really enjoyed working with.

This particular sketch isn't all great, but I didn't have high expectations for it to begin with, since it was my first attempt. 

All-in-all, I think I'll enjoy dabbling with my new hobby! 

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