So, I am going to leave this post up for a few days, and if you are reading this (yes, that means YOU!), please leave a comment. It doesn't have to be much, just a "this is Melchizedek", or something like that.
(Thanks to those wonderful people who regularly leave comments. You inspire blogging!)
Looks like I might be the first... This is not Melchizedek,sorry. Just Renee... You're on my "regularly check" list b/c of your frequent and interesting posts! :)
Hi Rachel, just stopping in as usual. I really do love the new look of your blog! The socks look wonderful too! Keep up the good work on your "Rohan" cardi. (I love The Lord of the Rings movies.)
Pretty new blog template!
I check your blog frequently now too...relatively new to it though.
Hi Rachel,
Are you heading this way tomorrow? I haven't started my fetching yet. I slipped down the steps of the Massonic Temple tonight and did a number on my foot! Will be hobbling if I see you tomorrow!
Stephanie :)
Hi Rachel! I just found your blog on the Fall Cable KAL. I love the cables on your cardigan!
I love the flowers on your blod and the snowflakes on your photobucket.
Well...hi! I'm in the Not a Gift KAL and was checking all the blogs! I'm usually shy about commenting on new blogs...it can be like walking up to a conversation in progress and trying to join in, you know?
No more "White Christmas"... yay
Hey, ... like the new set up! Hope the family's doing well!
Hi Rachel,
Mom here. Yes I do check your blog despite your comments to the contrary!!! See, I am here! Hope Andy is feeling better.
yup, i read it regularly!
I read weekly!!!
This time, I followed your link from the Fall Cabled KAL -- love the Rohan cardigan!
I just found your blog through the Fall Cable KAL. The Rohan sweater is smashing! Glad I found your blog.
OK, I'm jealous. Mom is checking and commenting on your blog and not mine...so I am going to play the part of bratty sibling. Blah blah blah...why isn't she visiting my blog?? Wah --Wah. :) Mom, come to my blog. I post very interesting things, too. :) tuttletime.blogspot.com. It would be a miracle and a slight temperature change in HE$% for JOOSH to comment / visit my blog, so I won't even ask. I think I even saw Lynn say something on here. Not feeling the love from my family. Ha! I am sort of kidding, but my family needs to come over to my blog for goodness sakes! I do love your new template, Rach..I think I said that somewhere else. I think I've said enough. Love your older sis, Angie
I forgot you asked me on my blog where I was born..I can't believe you didn't know. I guess you need to look at my huge scrapbook of my life. :) I was born in Fort Ord, CA. The base is closed now, I think. I added a few cool and funny vids on my blog. Check it out.--Angie
howdy, i follow someone's link one day and have enjoyed your posts.
I have your blog on my bloglines. I always enjoy your positive attitude. --Sylvia
This is Jordan. I read your blog! It is wonderful. You do a great job! Thankyou :-)
Hello. I'm part of the One Sock, Two Sock ring. I skim through the ring on a regular basis, so I'll be back!
Hey Rach,
Mom called and said that she was going to visit my blog more often. I feel bad now for my comments, but they seemed to have worked. Love you, Mom! I love blogging now...it's another one of my timewasters. Yehaw. :) I changed my blog template. The one I had was just a temp one. I wanted a little more pizazz and FLOWERS on mine. I also figured out how to add your blog to my LINKS. I also added my music leaders family's blog on there.
Well, I should be scrapbooking. I really want to, but I hopped on here for a bit. Thanks to Mom, I FINALLY have my camera charger...my camera is getting all charged up for more pics to add to my blog. I am going to take your idea. I am using the text in my blog with the pictures to quickly complete my album for this year. I sent the Christmas pics up to SNAPFISH and will get started on that album as soon as they get in. I am going to work on a couple pages for my LIFE IN BLOOM album (my life). I can't wait til that's done. It's turned out pretty cute so far. I really just want to get all the scraps and pics in something and out of the way on my desk. :) I have other projects just waiting for some room on my table, but I have challenged myself to finish my other projects first. Hopefully that will motivate me to get it all done! :)
Well, this comment's getting long. Sorry...Love you guys.. Angie
Hey, Rachel! I check your blog about twice a week, but I rarely comment because it takes so long for the comment box to load all the way. (I think for the comment box I waited five minutes! (It's mainly because of the commenter's pictures. :))
I also don't comment often because by the time I read something it's a few days old and I figure you won't see the comment!
Anyway, I like the Rohan Cardigan. It looks like it belongs in LotR. Holly Z. saw it and said that it looked really hard. (She liked it too.)
BTW, this is Kerissa.
~enters joking mood~ So, with all of these comments, where are your posts? :D ~exists joking mood~
Oh, I nearly furgot. I like the new design. It took a while for the flower picture at the top to load, so I was trying to figure out why on earth there was this big red blank at the top!
Hi! I'm checking out your blog for the first time. Found you from the Fall Cable KAL. I love to see what others have made - it's great inspiration!
I am just blog surfing, but thought you might like to see it anyway. I am in Germany.
I love the green Aran cabled sweater on your site. Could you please tell me what pattern you used?
Thanks, Adrienne
Music Teacher/Knitter from Cleveland
Hey Rachel,
I check your blog regularly! You're doing a great job!
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