Thursday, April 19, 2007

Rainy Day Play

Yesterday afternoon I took the kids to Krape Park to meet up with some of our "buddies" (that's Peter's official term for anyone he likes). Unfortunately, when we got there I found the weather much colder than I thought it was going to be, and the kids didn't have warm enough coats on. So, my nice friend Bella invited us all to her house.

She's got the best basement for fun stuff. It's full of amazing toys for the kids (I'm soooo guilty about the pathetic toys I have for my kids), and there's even a built in bar from the previous owners that would be perfect for scrapbooking! The bar is high and quite long, so one can spread out and keep one's things above kid-level! She made tea and Lynn, Bella and I had a nice time chatting while the kids quickly dissected her basement. However, when it was time to go we were able to get things back into some semblance of order, lol!

When I came home, I decided to follow Bella's example and actually play with my kids. My usual idea of playing with them is giving them pots and pans while I cook (no, seriously, I'm not that bad!) Peter and I spent quite a while putting together the new Alphabet Train I picked up for him at the downtown teacher's supply store.

He's really gotten quite good at it already, and can usually do pieces A-G without too much help.

Playing with the kids really pays off, I think, because then they give me a nice bit of free time to knit or do whatever. Of course, as soon as I sit down to the computer they're all over me. So, how do I manage to get any blogging done?

Chocolate. In. Little. Doses. For. Each. Child. It. Takes. Them. A. While. To. Chew. Each. Piece. And. Then. I. Can. Get. Some. Typing. Done.

Oh dear, I'm such a terrible mother!


Ellen said...

You make me laugh! :) Don't worry; I think every mother does this from time to time... LOL. Glad you had some fun with the children!

Diane said...

Obviously you are a very good mother ... you did not feel the children cheap chocolates. lol. Chocolate, cookies, etc whatever it takes to get a little down time is fine.

WELCOME TO TuttleTime! said...

I would beat up anyone, including you (in my little imaginary world...I think I can do this! Ha!), that would say you are a terrible mother. I admire anyone who stays at home to care for the children! Your kids are still young and you are still learning how to do this thing called motherhood! I had a slight advantage being the oldest and so much older than all of you! :) Ha! Even so, all mom's struggle and learn how to do things. If anyone out there knows how to wrangle a 9yr old from video games or get them to do chores, PLEASE visit my blog! I can Always use some help! :) Ha!

LOve, Angie :)

WELCOME TO TuttleTime! said...

Oh, by the way, I LOVE the pic of Baby Banna and Petesy. It's cute how she is looking around Petesy's head. :)

Also, I love reading your posts. I read every word!...which is why I am still on here at almost midnight! Ha! :)

Love, Angie