Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Tuesday Tip

I personally hate baking cookies. I'm not much of a cookie lover, although I occasionally indulge in one or two. However, my husband could live off of cookies alone and is always begging me to bake them.

Here's my little tip to help you time-challenged or cookie-baking-challenged people out there.

When you do bake cookies, make three batches at once. Don't try to mix more than three batches, though, or the cookie batter won't be evenly mixed.

Drop cookie-sized dollops onto a greased cookie sheet. Put the batter balls closely together to conserve space. Put the cookie sheets in the freezer, and leave them there overnight. After the batter has frozen completely, take them off the sheet and put in a large freezer bag.

When you're ready for fresh cookies, just put them on a cookie sheet and bake as you usually would. There is no need to thaw the batter, just bake the cookies a minute or two longer.

Another advantage to this tip is that you can make exactly as many cookies as you want. Sometimes I want only two cookies, so I just pop them in my toaster oven.

(Note: the cookies in the above picture are Chocolate Brownie Cookies. The recipe is posted on the sidebar of my blog)


Anonymous said...

This would NEVER work for me cause I would KNOW there were little balls of cookie dough goodness in the fridge. I would sneak in there and eat them all up in a days time! haha!

WELCOME TO TuttleTime! said...

"Me want cookies!" That is where we are totally opposite. I am a cookie monster. I LOVE cookies, especially ones with nuts and choc chips! Mmm. I have been craving cookies the past few days. I may make some this weekend. I'm heading up to OPa and Omas today. Maybe we can make some up there. :) Love ya, Angie

Unknown said...

What a great idea! I pay extra for the convenience of the break-apart cookie dough for that very reason. So maybe I can make my own oh-so-convenient cookie dough. Won't my hubby be impressed? :)