Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Bragging and Boo-boos

I just wanted to post these pictures of my two sweet babies. I was thinking this morning what a helpful little boy my Peter is. He really does quite a lot for his mommy! I bought a "Swivel Sweeper", which is a little battery-operated sweeper, and Peter loves to run that thing all around the house, keeping the floors nice and swept. He also puts the spoons and forks away for me after they've been through the dishwasher, and he's a wonderful help when it's time to pick up his toys. When the shoes get too cluttered around the doorway, he picks them up for me so that I can hang them on the shoe shelf. I'm so thankful for my little guy, and I'm really trying to teach him good things, because I always have in the back of my mind the thought that I'm raising my daughter-in-law's future husband.

Breanna helps a little bit, but her "help" mostly makes more mess. However, she hands me the dishes from the dishwasher after they've been cleaned (Andy commented that our dishes have looked a little chipped lately), and when it's time to pick up her toys, we sing the "Clean-up Song". Her little voice chirping, "Keen-up, keen-up" is adorable!

Then, yesterday, Andy sneaked in the house at his lunch break and left these beautiful roses on the counter for me to find! He's working at a farm, and the owner has a huge bush of these which he said Andy could pick. Isn't he the sweetest?

Okay, I hope I haven't been completely obnoxious by "bragging" about my family, but I'm just so thankful for them, I had to share! The Lord has been so good to me with these three wonderful Gifts.

Okay, now for the boo-boos.

Technically, this isn't a boo-boo, because it's coming along nicely. It's Breanna's Cobweb dress (I used to call it the "Impossible Dress", because it was so stinkin' difficult). Still, I swear I will NEVER knit something large with fingering weight again. NEVER!!!!! It's quite disheartening to knit and knit and not really see a lot of progress. I still have to knit a few more inches before something interesting happens. Although it's easy stockinette stitch right now, and I can usually knit that without looking, the yarn is so small I have to pay attention or I drop a stitch. Ick.

This, however, is a really big boo-boo. I cast on for a men's X-large sweater, thinking I'd just work in the round and make up my own pattern. Well, apparently my first gauge swatch wasn't quite correct, because I re-measured and discovered this sweater was 57 inches around! That would fit a hippopotamus, but not - - - - -. (Hee hee, Josh, is this for you????). Frogged again! Grrrr. I double checked my gauge again, and this time I'm off to a better start. Hopefully it'll knit up a little faster since I've got 30 fewer stitches to knit than the first time (30 stitches off - what was I thinking?).


WELCOME TO TuttleTime! said...

Isn't it nice to have little helpers?! Enjoy them while you can and while it's all still "fun" for them. Caleb has developed a little bit of an attitude when it comes to doing chores. I think I am going to reinstate the "tune-up" that Dad jokingly referred to when we were growing up. Someone in my house is definitely overdue! Ha! LOL...the comment on Josh's sweater cracked me up. Where is that guy??? I have called and called without getting any response. I am going to email. Well, got to run. Love, Angie

Michelle said...

You just brag all you want about your family!

Would you believe I can't think of a single perfect scarf pattern? I'm happily lost in shawl-land these days.

Have you seen the tiger eye lace scarf? http://www.tmooka.net/blogs/stitchingirl/patterns/tigereyescarf.pdf

And there are a ton and a half of intriguing scarves in Victorian Lace Today.

Danielle said...

I have one that helps, and one that doesn't with my 2 boys. And my little one want's to "help" too. so I just say thank you, and go on about my business. Mostly though, she's content to play and run around with a smile on her face! P.S. It's not really bragging, it's just counting your blessings right?

And for those knitting boo boo's, could be worse. Oh well, fingering weight does seem to take forever and ever. I made a baptism gown for my daughter that was a lace pattern and it took 200 years I swear!!