Here's my version of a felted camera case. I am unable to knit things to felt, because to me it seems like such a waste to knit something gi-nourmous and then shrink it, especially if it's on purpose. I do admire others' felting enterprises ( such as this gorgeous Booga Bag ), but unfortunately, felting doesn't fit into my "I-want-it-done-fast-and-NOW" philosophy.
What's my solution? I get a wool sweater that I have no intention of wearing (especially as I'm allergic to wool. Why do I persist in buying myself scratchy sweaters? Who knows. . . .) then I felt it and cut it up for whatever purpose I deem worthy. A short sewing bit later, and Taa-Daaa, here's my very own felted camera case! (Ignore the dust. Dust is irrelevant. It's just the remains of my last student who refused to practice . . .)
The more time you spend dusting the less time you have to play with your kids and knit. I think you've made a wise choice to leave the dust and concentrate on more important things.
Very stylish case... very frugal and industrious of you! ;)
I know what you mean about knitting something huge, and then having to shrink it down. It just about broke my poor little heart to have to shrink all that knitting on that bag. I told my Mom only for her!! Cute camera case!!
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