Monday, July 16, 2007

Trying Again . . .

I've been knitting steadily away on a sweater for - - - - -, and I've made some good progress (sorry the picture's sideways). The back is done, and I've started the panel for the front. However, I've hit a bit of a snag.

I know that I have a tendency (okay, let's just say a strong, irresistible urge) to over-embellish things, and knowing this, I tried very, very hard, to resist that impulse. I designed what I thought would be a simple panel for the front of the sweater. I got it knitted all the way, and was so pleased to find that my math was correct, and it was exactly centered. However, the snag came when I asked Andy for his opinion.

Not. Good.

I can't bring myself to scrap the diamond panel, but I managed to grit my teeth and take out the twisted cables. "It just looks so pretty", I wailed to Andy. "Precisely", he says to me.

So, here's the final draft of the cabled panel, minus frills. Much more boring, but faster to knit. I'm already halfway through! I've finally hit on a name: "Midwestern Man Pullover". Simple, rather unexciting, but perfectly functional and utilitarian (both the man and the sweater :)

(Hee hee, I have to get him back, after he heartlessly struck down my nice embellished cable panel. My hard work is not all for naught, however, as I'll just post the chart and call it a scarf.)


Danielle said...

Beautiful cables, you are the master at them I swear it!! I think it will make a beautiful scarf, I went sniff,sniff thinking about you ripping out the first attempt. But I do understand why, I :-) Any luck with the Bee shawl kit yet?

Ellen said...

Sounds like Matt! LOL. It is beautiful - I've said it a dozen times... but you are SO VERY talented!

Diane said...

Your cables look beautiful. So tough to knit for manly men!

WELCOME TO TuttleTime! said...

Here I am getting all excited about my arrows and diamonds in my crochet afghan....and you are designing sweaters! Geez...Ha!

Yeah, talking to any man about my crochet is like talking to my cat! All I get is a blank, uninterested stare. At least Andy gave an opinion...if not brutally honest. Ha!

Whatever you make will be nice...even if the man in the sweater may not think so. Ha! :) MEN!

Violiknit said...

Wow, that cable panel is gorgeous!