Monday, July 16, 2007

Harry Potter Mania

I just love fantasy books, and I've been a fan of the Harry Potter books for quite some time. I think I'm not exaggerating when I say that I've read every book in the series at least 12 times. (Okay, I'm going to start getting all gushy over J.K. Rowling's books now, so you might want to skip this post . . .)

One of my favorite ways to enjoy Potter is to listen to them on the audio books. The narrator, Jim Dahl, is the best reader I've ever heard. The man is a genius with accents and voices. It's down right spooky!

Anyway, Andy took me to see the latest Harry Potter movie a few days ago, and I just LOVED it. This was a bit of a surprise, because it's my least favorite book. Whenever I read The Order of the Phoenix, I just want to give Harry a good slap and say, "quit whining and stop being so moody". Oh well, perhaps he's going through post-traumatic stress disorder, or something like that, after Cedric's death.

Anyway, I liked the movie so much I want to see it again. (Let me state, that unlike the normal Kahue, I do NOT usually see movies more than once.) The funny thing was, though, that the knitter in me was really thrilled with the movie, too. I kept seeing all these cool sweaters and hats I wanted to knit.

If you don't already know, there's a huge knitting group out there that likes to knit Harry Potter related paraphenalia. I think this movie is playing off that following, because the number of cool knits is amazing. Can't wait to try to knit Hermione's hat and scarf (I think Lion Brand Wool-Ease is just the right coloring . . .)

If you haven't noticed, I've put a count-down on my sidebar for the very last Harry Potter book. I've already warned Andy that he's going to have to babysit the kids this Saturday, because I'm going to temporarily quit motherhood. I plan to get the book as soon as Wal-mart opens, and read it straight through. When the Half-Blood Prince came out, I was able to read it in 7 hours. (Then I took my time and read it through again in 24. I really did try to read slow. It was just sooooo much fun!)

Can you tell I'm excited? Even knitting doesn't get me this worked up! (Well, okay, Malabrigo is close . . .)


WELCOME TO TuttleTime! said...

Ha, you crack me up...We Kahues LOVE our movies. Yes, we loved the new H.P. movie, too! :) (Well, I told you that already on the phone...LOL!) Have fun reading...I'll have to get it on audio book to listen on my commute. I keep forgeting about that! Love you,Angie

Ellen said...

I'm going to put myself "out there" by saying that I have not read a single H.P. book... (I can hear your gasp of shock from here...) I keep saying I need to read one to see what all the hype's about... but I can never find the time! I'm really glad you got to enjoy a night out with hubby! :) I hope that you enjoy the last book. -You deserve a little time off every now and then. :)

Bonny (Bonny Jewelry) said...

thank you for your kind comment and visit to my blog! I must admit, I am also looking forward to the new HP book - JK has not let me down so far and I'm sure I'll be ignoring house and hubby until I finish the book! Haven't seen the new movie yet but it is on the weekend to do list ...