Monday, January 25, 2010

Dragons in Memphis

After spending a lovely (and warm!) three weeks in the Sunny South, the three kids and I drove back home by ourselves. (Handyman had to fly back home a week earlier for work reasons). Perhaps I should clarify that I drove. The kids just sat and made a horrendous mess in the back seat.

Anyway, to break up a drive that usually takes 16 hours, we stopped in Memphis to spend a night with my aunt Erna and Uncle Gary. From Atlanta (from whence I started the trek North) it was only 6 hours to Memphis, and my Aunt was sweet enough (*cough cough* masochistic) to drive with me to help out with the kids and my sanity.

After spending a lovely and relaxing evening in their home, we all got a good night's rest. The next morning we stopped in at my Aunt's classroom to see her newest classroom addition, Sir Wigglywoggle (or something like that. I can't remember his name, but it sounded to me like a British butler.)
Peter has a natural affinity for lizards, as they most resemble his favorite creature, the dinosaur. Peter and Sir Wimbledon quickly became fast friends.
Sir Wibblington is a Bearded Dragon lizard and very friendly. He didn't seem the least alarmed by the six year old child holding him. (Please ignore the six-year-old's apparent mullet. He has a terrible mother who neglected getting his hair cut.)
Erna's classroom is just what every child should have. There are cool science projects, lots of plants, and of course, animals everywhere stashed in every available cranny.

The poor guinea pig was no doubt usually very friendly, but he showed a remarkable talent for reading people and hid in terror whenever my daughter came near his cage. Guinea pigs have short legs, after all, which must not be good shock absorbers when the owner of the short legs is dropped.
From there we left for the next leg of the journey, another six hour drive which led us to Flipflopping Mama's house!

(Stay tuned for the next exciting installment of our series, Treking with Children.)


Explore-Science-Beyond-the-Classroom said...

Oooohhh that lizard is absolutely beautiful!!! What a nice pet!

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オテモヤン said...
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WELCOME TO TuttleTime! said...

How neat...I've never seen Erna's classroom. Where were teachers like Mom and Erna when I was a kid?! It looks sooo cool!! Maybe I wouldn't have such a fear and general disgust for anything creepy crawly.

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