Thursday, July 21, 2016

Field Day

We are so lucky to have so many great opportunities in our area for homeschoolers.  For instance, every summer a friend of mine organizes a Field Day for the homeschoolers, which is a rather large undertaking considering the number and varied ages of kids who attend!

This year, Peter and Gabe were not able to attend, but don't feel too badly for them because they were down in the Sunny South being spoiled rotten by their grandparents.

Ella, however, more than made up for their lack by being incredibly enthusiastic about, well, everything, ha ha!

Poor little thing.  I knew it was going to be hot and humid, so I dressed her accordingly. However, I unfortunately did not think to check if she was wearing appropriate undergarments.  Somehow she had put on her older sister's underwear, and every time she ran they started to slip down to her ankles.  It was so comical watching her run, curly hair and sparkler headband streaming in the wind, and one hand hiking up her errant undies!

 Bree also participated and did fairly well, but because I was in charge of watching Ella's group most of the day, I wasn't able to get many photos of her.  Plus, typical Bree, she tried squirming out of every picture I tried to capture of her!

Little Ella has her mother's speed, and didn't place in anything, but she was a trooper and never gave up, even though she was usually near the last of the pack.  She was completely and utterly thrilled to finally, finally get something that she can hang on the Wall of Awesomeness near her desk.  Never mind that it is a "only" participation award.

She earned it.

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