Friday, May 25, 2007

Jane Addams Trail

The weather was so beautiful this morning, so my friend Lynn and her two kids met us at the Jane Addams Trail for a nice walk through the country.

Peter, who had just gotten a new bike, was so excited to finally have some room to ride. He and his friend Gracie got off to a great beginning, but about 100 yards down the trail, it already started; "Mommy, I'm tired . . ." Thankfully I had thought to bring the double stroller just in case. I hid his bike off the trail, and on we went. However, about another 100 yards down the trail, Gracie started; "Mommy, I'm tired . . ."

Did Peter want to ride Gracie's bike for awhile so Gracie could sit in the stroller and rest? No. Absolutely, unequivocally, no.

What a nice day for a walk, though. The flowers were beautiful and the scenery was so nice and wooded.

Even the local artwork gave us something to admire! I felt like I was back in South Carolina again!

On the way back Lynn spotted these two huge birds (I think they were some type of heron or crane) and there were two little fluffy babies with them. (I couldn't help thinking that at least one of the baby birds was chirping, "Mommy, I'm tired . . .")

I was thinking about asking my friends Lynn and Bella if they want to walk the trail again tomorrow, but I don't know if my feet are up to it. I'm all worn out!


Michelle said...

Sounds like you're almost as excited about the scarf pattern as I am!

And it sounds like a great walk. I know how fun the "Mommy, I'm tired...Mommy, my feet hurt....Mom..." part is.

Danielle said...

Looks like you had a wonderful day!! And you're most welcome for the upclose shots of morning glory.It is an awesome pattern. You'll enjoy knitting it I bet if you decide to do it. The yarn I used btw isn't dk weight, it's worsted. The pattern calls for dk, but I couldn't find any I really liked or could afford. What I chose wasn't wool either. It's acrylic/nylon. It's soft and a pretty thin worsted. Well, enough rambling on. Rest your feet for more happy trails!!

Acornbud said...

What a beautiful place to walk. The weather looks gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I need a new hairstyle!!

WELCOME TO TuttleTime! said...

Looks like a nice day for a walk...I had to laugh about the kids. I can almost hear their little "chirps" echoing through the trees.

I asked my physical therapist to get me in enough shape to ride a bike by the end of the summer...It's my goal. Rach, if I get to that point where I can actually ride a will hear me shout! Anyway, that looks like a GREAT trail.

Can't wait to see you! Love, Angie

WELCOME TO TuttleTime! said...

BTW...I'm not sure who the actors in the movie are, but the guy who is the prince looks like the guy who was Lois' boyfriend in the Superman Returns. I've seen him before...

Oh and DON't go see Spiderman 3. I wish I hadn't. Mike and I went to see it tonight...blah blah. One of the worst.

I am looking forward to seeing Pirates, though. Love, Angie

Unknown said...

Sounds like fun... Nice to be able to spend the afternoon doing fun stuff with the little ones... :) Won't be long and they will be too cool to be seen with us! Boo hoo...

Sarah said...

Sounds like I lovely day. I wish someone was there with a buggy for when my feet are too tired!

Cindy said...

I've never seen baby Cranes before. Very cute!

Sounds like it was a fabulous day.