You have to understand that, for me, being without a WiP (work in progress) is like having to function without tea, or (heaven forbid) being told that I am fatally allergic to dark chocolate. A truly terrible fate. Terrible.
(Alright, I can hear my two UFO's in the upstairs closet screaming shrilly that they too would like to see the light of day, but as I am disgusted with them right now, I am ignoring their cries for freedom. They don't count as valid projects, as they have been disowned.)
Now, I really am trying to cut back on my knitting obsession. It's just that if I find myself sitting for longer than 2 minutes, my hands start shaking, my armpits get clammy, and my mouth gets dry - otherwise known as time for a knitting fix. Therefore, I declare that any knitting done while occupied with other things (like watching TV or sitting in the car) does not count as "too much knitting".
Here's what I've picked up to counter my knitting withdrawal (hey, I was off the wagon for a whole day! Okay, so an afternoon - close enough. Hmph.)
(Uh oh, it just occurs to me that I've been worrying about my "knitting fix", and here I go knitting something entitled "Hemlock". Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear . . . .)
Of course, Handyman's ability to multitask ends at eating pizza while watching football. Hee hee!
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