Saturday, July 19, 2008

Just Call Me the Bag Lady

I've noticed a theme with my posts lately. I start off with blaming my habits/addictions on someone else. Since I am a creature of habit, I'm going to blame the following addiction on my sister Lynn.

I have not and probably never will be a big "bag and shoe" woman. I like bags, I like shoes, but they don't take up much room in the covet corner of my brain attic. (Whew, is THAT ever a convoluted sentence!) I think my sister knew that, and out of pity, starting giving me purses for birthdays and Christmas presents. (She's the acknowledged fashionista in the family). After a few years of this, I'm starting to acquire a small but tidy selection of presentable purses, much better than the frayed, worn, and pitiable sacks I used to carry around.

Well, after sewing several slings, I began noticing a growing pile of nice fabric in large enough amounts that I couldn't rationalize throwing them away. Bags ahoy!

Here's the first bag I made, with nominal sewing prowess. A real seamstress would probably be snickering right now, but for me, it came out okay. (And took FOREVER to sew. I could have woven the stupid fabric in less time, I think!)

I'm using this as a diaper bag, and I sewed into the lining a little loop of elastic to hold a bottle in place. I didn't plan this, but the pocket is the perfect size for the wipes! Woo-hoo!

I'm rather pleased with the handles and the lining, though. The buttons are purely there for artistic purposes. You can't actually unbutton the handles. This is because I was too lazy to sew buttonholes.

Well, that's enough bagging for now. I have at least three other bags to show you, but that'll have to wait for later posts to keep you slathering in anticipation. (Yes, I'm being cynical again. I just wanted to use the word, "slathering" somewhere. It's a fun word to say. Try it. See?)

We voice teachers have weird obsessions with the way words are formed and sound. It's unique to us, so don't worry about catching the disease.

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